On October 3, two students at my alma-mater, Mid-Atlantic Christian University, got into an altercation resulting in one young man being shot and losing his life. My heart has been breaking, and this is my prayer...
I want to scream. I want to shake my fists and yell. But my enemy has no face. No, rather than give an object for wrath, he leaves this cold, impotent rage that struggles to be voiced. So I turn to You. My questions swim around my head. Questions of why this happened and how could this be allowed to happen and who does Satan think he is attacking my school, my family, my heritage?
But it's not mine is it? It's not mine, it's Yours. She was Your school and he was Your child. One family loses a son to murder, the other to prison. But they are Your families. A campus full of students has lost her security; her innocence. But she is Your campus. So I turn to You, to implore You, to beg You, be the God You have always been. The God who avenges the innocent. The God who protects the helpless. Spread a blanket of protection over the students, staff and families affected by this tragedy.
You are the God that drowned the armies of Pharaoh. Drown out the cries for retribution with Your grace.
You are the God who dried up the Jordan so Your children could enter the Promised land. Dry our tears and mend our hearts.
You are the God who knocked over Jericho's walls. Knock down the walls of fear that threaten to imprison us.
You are the God that guided David's sling. Guide our hearts toward restoration.
You are the God that destroyed the prophets of Baal. Destroy the arguments of those who would use this to defame Your name.
You are the God who restored the sight of the blind. Open our eyes to see who the real enemy is.
You are the God who rolled away a stone and proclaimed life out of death. Roll away this black curtain and speak life into a seemingly hopeless situation.
You have done all these things before and now we beg that you do it one more time. Out of the despair, bring rejoicing. Out of the anger, bring peace. Out of the sorrow, bring joy. Out of death, bring life. Then the world will know You are God.
Thank You for listening, for hearing and for doing. Take MACU in Your arms, dry her tears, and be the God You have always been.
In the name of the death conqueror: Jesus,
I am praying with you. Your words echo my heart. Even through this horrible time, HE is still on the throne! Satan can wreck havoc, but he CANNOT dethrone the KING of KINGS!