Recently I read two articles (one on; the other on that examined the downward trend of marriage in our
culture. One article revealed that now,
barely more than 50% of adults aged 18 years or older are married (compared
with 71% in 1960). The other article
revealed that adults under the age of 30 are more likely to view marriage as
obsolete than ever before. Both articles
revealed that younger people are waiting longer to marry and that cohabitation
among young adults has trended upward while marriage amongst that same
demographic has dropped. Now these two
articles did not surprise me nearly as much as a third article on’s
faith page did. It revealed that more
and more young adults who claim to be Christian are cohabitating. In fact, it revealed that ‘Christian’ young
adults living together is trending upward at the same rate as their
non-Christian counterparts.
More Than Just a Sin Issue
The first reaction for many Christians is condemnation. Some may chalk it up to the rebellious nature
of youth while others may count it as one of many signs of the times. But we, as the Church, must realize that this
is much more than a sin issue that needs to be confronted. The problems that the disintegration of
marriage presents go much deeper than a lifestyle choice or a church discipline
issue. What is at stake is how we
communicate God’s relationship to humanity and the fabric of society as a
Building Blocks
I remember several years ago being confronted with a
statistic that read one out of every two children is either from a broken home
or a home with a single parent. That
statistic astonished me at first, but as I thought about the friends I had
growing up, I realized I was the only one who had parents that weren’t divorced
at some point. When I thought about the
kids in the classes I was teaching at the time, easily half of them would have
fit into the broken home/single-parent demographic, and I taught at a
‘Christian’ school. The result has been
a generation that views marriage as either inconvenient or disposable. So we saw divorce rates rise in the 70s and
80s, but eventually they leveled off and began to drop as the practice of
cohabitation began to be more readily accepted by society. TV shows like ‘Friends’ and ‘Seinfeld’ (as
well as a score of others) portrayed cohabitation as normal, healthy and funny,
and if Satan can get you to laugh at sin then you are no longer taking it
There is nothing funny about sin. As a minister, educator and friend, I have
seen the pain, heartbreak and confusion of divorce. I have witnessed how cohabitation destroys
trust rather than builds it. But as I
said earlier, this is deeper than a sin issue; it is a family issue. God, in His
infinite wisdom, ordained the family.
There was to be one husband, one wife and they were to ‘be fruitful and
multiply.’ The family became the basic
structure for society. Inside the family
unit a child learns how to respect others, obey rules, treat the opposite sex,
take care of property, work ethic, basic people skills as well as a host of
other things. History has proven that
when the family structure declines within a society, social problems increase. Crime rates rise (a child wasn’t taught that
breaking rules has consequences).
Economies suffer (a child never learned a work ethic from his
parents). Violence increases (a child
missed out on respecting others). I am
not saying that it is impossible to bring up good-citizens in a broken home,
nor am I saying that all nuclear families will bring up perfect kids. What I am
saying is the higher the percentage of kids growing up in
single-parent/broken homes, the more likely that several of them will not learn
lessons that most kids learn in the traditional family setting.
But the family is more than a building block for
society. It is also a microcosm of the
Church. Fathers are called to be ministers to their families. Godly instruction begins within the home, not
the synagogue, tabernacle, temple or Sunday School class (see Deuteronomy
6:4ff.) A Father is to instruct his
child about God through everyday routines.
A mother is to impart wisdom to her child through Godly example (see
Proverbs 31 for the ideal example of a Godly mother). When we forsake God’s blueprint for
marriage, we are destroying the Church from within by destroying the next
generation of Christians. If we love
Christ and we love His Bride, we must respect
and restore the institute of marriage to a place of honor.
Marriage as Evangelism
As Paul began to conclude his letter to the church in
Ephesus he shifted his attention from what the Church at large should look like
to what the Church in the home should aspire to. He gives wives and husbands specific commands. He tells wives to submit to their husbands
and he tells husbands to sacrificially love their wives. Both commands he links to the Church and to
Christ. Marriage is a living parable of
God’s relationship with the Church. In
other words, our marriage is a testimony to the world of whom God is and who
the Church is and how the two interact with each other. The love, passion, respect and submission
that takes place in marriage teaches ourselves and others about God. More to the point, marriage is at its core a
tool for evangelism. If more and more
young people inside the Church are
forsaking marriage for cohabitation then we are teaching about God
falsely. God didn’t merely decide to
coexist with us; He entered into a covenant with us! He made a full-fledged commitment to us and
backed it up with His blood. His vow? To never leave us or forsake us. His dowry? The cross. His guarantee? The empty tomb. Marriage is a powerful picture of God’s love
and commitment to us. Frankly, ‘shacking
up’ just doesn’t convey the same message.
Tackling the Issue
Realizing how much is at stake, I believe we have been going
about preventing the rise of cohabitation all wrong. The Church for too long has been reactionary
to this problem, and our meager efforts at being pro-active have hardly proven
effective (do I really need to dig up statistics on how many purity pledges are
broken?) Our children are missing out on
the Bible’s full teaching on marriage when we focus on sin-prevention and
purity, and as a result they grow up not seeing the real importance of
marriage. So what do we do? How do we educate, not only youth, but their
parents about marriage?
Teach the Positives
Instead of focusing on the negatives, which many purity
programs do (abstinence protects us from disease, heartache and sin, etc.) let’s
stress the positives about what marriage provides. I’ve already touched on a couple of things: a
foundation for society and an evangelistic message. There are more positives than merely
these. There is the sense of security
that marriage was designed to bring.
Another positive is the level of intimacy that a Biblical marriage
provides. The sense of stability that
children need to thrive and prosper is best found inside the bonds of
marriage. Marriage provides fertile
ground for the next generation of Christians to grow and mature into productive
disciples of Jesus. Are there negatives
aspects to forsaking marriage? Yes, and
they need to be taught as well, but let’s no let those things dominate our
teaching about love and marriage.
Equip Parents
It is not the Church’s job to raise children. That responsibility falls squarely in the
laps of parents. The excuse, ‘I brought
them to church every week’ isn’t going to cut it. Parents have more opportunities to interact
with their children than anyone else, thus it is their responsibility to teach
their children about the benefits of a Christ-centered marriage. But many parents are at a loss as to how to
do this. Why? Because their parents never taught them! For too long the church has focused on teens
with purity events and abstinence programs.
If we want to reach the kids we need to teach their parents how to talk
to them about issues surrounding marriage, including sex, intimacy,
expectations, etc. Only then will we
begin to make any headway in this particular battlefront.
Imitate Jesus by being
‘Full of Grace and Truth’
I love the Gospel of John.
His near mystical approach to the life of Christ has always appealed to
me. From the opening lines I find myself
mesmerized, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the
Word was God.” As you keep reading, you
discover something even more miraculous, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt
among us, and we beheld Him as the only begotten of the Father, full of grace
and truth.” I love that description of
Jesus, “full of grace and truth.” When I
think about His ministry, I see evidence of both grace and truth. The woman at the well? Jesus offered her the grace of living water
before confronting her about the truth of her cohabitation. The woman caught in adultery? Jesus offered her grace by forgiving her
before confronting her with the truth about her love life. If we are to reach a culture that is outside
of Christ with the truth about marriage we must be willing to offer grace. There are many single-parent homes that need
the grace of Jesus if we are to teach them the truth about marriage. The homes across America are littered with
the broken pieces of marriages that did not live up to the Biblical ideal. The last thing many of these families need
are stones cast their way. Instead, they
need some living water and the assurance that they can come to Jesus, even if
they are embarrassed, naked and guilty.
As I said earlier, this issue is much deeper than sins that need to be
confronted; its lives that need to be restored.
I pray that by the grace of God, we restore and rebuild marriage to be
what God intended it to be.
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